Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Magical Root Rhodiola Rosea!

Rhodiola Rosea!
I think of it as the magical root. 
I first heard of it while working for a natural cosmetic line.  It was the main ingredient in their anti-aging cremes and serums.  This caught my interest in learning more about this unknown plant.  I learned that it was first discovered by  western scientists soon after the cold war whom could up until then freely enter Siberia Russia. 
It was one of the few plants able to withstand the harsh climate at the altitude in which it was flourishing.  Since then many tests on the plant have been explored and upon finding out about it I began to dive further into my own experimentation.  

I was elated to hear soon after my introduction to the plant that you could ingest it and even purchase it at a local health food market.  I thought to myself that if this root was the main ingredient in a mainstream anti-aging product that surely it would be an excellent addition to my daily vitamin and mineral regimen.  Along with the ability to greatly improve the skin and protect cells from damage from free radicals I was quite impressed with it's other powerful effects on the body.  It is known to generate energy and increase mental performance and is even used in place of ADHD medications to sharpen focus.

Living in todays political, economical and fragile eco environments we are faced with so many extra stressors than just the day to day duties.  As a mother life is especially hectic as it would be for any caretaker.  I found that Rhodiola has an adaptogen to help the body adapt to and resist physical, chemical, and environmental stress.  It is also used for improving athletic performance, shortening recovery time after long workouts, and yes even improving sexual function.  I've had people ask me after explaining these effects if it had side effects like those of steroids since it promotes similar effects.  In my findings there are very few side effects or any at all which is the beauty of this magical root!

Now if all that wasn't enough to make you jump out of your seat and go get some, can you believe there is still more to this lovely plant?  In my own life my 20's were spent testing the limits as far as recreational substances go so naturally after finding that Rhodiola has MAO-A, MAO-B, antidepressant properties I was ecstatic!   After taking mind altering substances our brains chemistry changes and depression is an unfortunate reaction but fortunately taking any where from 380mg to over 600 a day can treat most moderate to mild cases.

If all the information I've shared with you is not impressive enough there is more!  Rhodiola is used to treat irregular heartbeat as well as high cholesterol.  In Chinese medicine it is used to treat cancer, tuberculosis, and diabetes.  It has been known to prevent cold/flu, liver damage and slow the aging process.  It  strengthens the nervous system and enhances immunity.  It's also used to improve hearing and stop tinnitus or ringing of the ears.  I started developing tinnitus after singing in a bands for over a decade and since my constant use of Rhodiola it has ceased.  

To me Rhodiola has truly been a magical root in many ways!  I hope all the information I've shared will give you more insight to alternative treatments for various conditions!

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