Friday, September 6, 2013

Regret is an appalling waste of energy;

you can't build on it; it's only good for 

wallowing in.-Katherine Mansfield

When I saw this quote I actually laughed at first.   After being surprised at my first reaction I began to think deeper.  Just about 2 and a half years ago I started on a spiritual path and began to really  take a good look at the patterns I have continued good and bad.  
I spent a large part of a decade wallowing in regret.  
Basically what I was doing by regretting past mistakes was inviting a huge negative energy to come reside in my mind.  This then pushed me into making more and more mistakes that would then add to my ever building mountain of regrets.
As I started recognizing this very unhealthy pattern I began to pray daily that God (of my understanding) help me let go of the need to stay immersed in negative thinking.  I learned that I have the power to change the energy in myself and my environment from negative to positive.  Embracing the good until it sinks in and feels real.  By doing this in myself I can then reach out to others and uplift the good qualities in them as well.
Practice to make progression into Healthy and Beautiful Living!

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