Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kimchi Health Benefits!

Kimchi Health Benefits!   

I had Kimchi for the first time at a girlfriends 
house one night and being a southern girl 
who likes her spices I automatically fell in love.  
Now for all those folks out there that are not 
as daring to try new things it can take some acquiring. 
 It is traditionally cabbage or radish that is basted 
with a spicy conglomeration of garlic, 
chopped red pepper, ginger, dropwort,
 leaf mustards and seaweed.  
Sound strange enough?  
Well once you combine the ingredients 
it is mixed with a mixture of fish and salt 
stored in a pot until it is fermented.  
This dish was created in about in Korea 
in the 7th century.
Because of it's strong oder most westerners 
are quite taken back and refuse to try this 
but mixed with the right dish 
it can be an enjoyable treat.
I usually eat it with rice and greens and with
 my eggs in place of hot sauce. 

Without further adieu we have come to the benefits 
of eating this taste explosion!
Now that I'm in my 30's digestion 
has become a huge issue.   
Kimchi is packed full of probiotics called 
lactobacillus formed in the fermenting process.  
Lactobacillus is one of the good guys of 
the bacteria species. They help your body 
fend off infection as well has lowering appetite. 
This along with the high fiber content help regulate 
your bowl movements as well as rid your body of toxins.  
This process can then generate fat loss making it an excellent choice as part of a weight loss diet.

 Kimchi has high levels of antioxidants 
which protect the body from free radicals. 
Free radicals are known to actually damage the DNA structure in the body which is the main contributor 
to the aging process.  Adding it to your diet daily 
during cold and flu season can help prevent or 
shorten the duration of the viruses. 
Glucosinolates found in cabbage when digested 
break down in the body as isothiocyanate.  
This is an anti-cancer phytochemical that is found 
in many cruciferous veggies.
It is also rich in calcium,
 selenium, iron, vitamin A and some B's. 
Garlic which is plethoric in kimchi has the 
compound allicin which acts as a cholesterol reducer.  
Allicin has been known to decrease your chances of developing a heart attack or stroke.  
In a way eating Kimchi is like taking a multivitamin 
along with aiding to the your preventative disease regime.
However one must proceed with caution!  
Because of it's high salt content those with high
blood pressure should closely monitor their Kimchi intake.
In some cases it has been known to actually cause digestive distress and increase gastric cancer development.
Consulting with a doctor and or acupuncturist are precautions for individuals with some ailments.

Kimchi is a high charged superfood 
that I have grown to love.  
If your passionate about health and wellness 
it would be great food to add to your diet and like anything should be done so in moderation.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Raspberry Lemon Tart with Graham Crust! 

This is butter & sugar Free! 

Mash 1 1/2 cups Graham Crackers 

1/3 cup of melted coconut oil 

1/4 agave mix put in pie dish freeze for 

20 mins bake for 10 mins at 375 Mix 

1/2 cup of agave 

1/2 cup of lemon juice 

6 tbsp melted then cooled coconut oil  

1 tbsp of lemon zest 

Put in double boiler and whisk

every 30 sec's till thick 

Strain through in a bowl & pour over crust 

smooth with spoon

Add fresh raspberries and store in 

fridge for an hour and then ENJOY!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Regret is an appalling waste of energy;

you can't build on it; it's only good for 

wallowing in.-Katherine Mansfield

When I saw this quote I actually laughed at first.   After being surprised at my first reaction I began to think deeper.  Just about 2 and a half years ago I started on a spiritual path and began to really  take a good look at the patterns I have continued good and bad.  
I spent a large part of a decade wallowing in regret.  
Basically what I was doing by regretting past mistakes was inviting a huge negative energy to come reside in my mind.  This then pushed me into making more and more mistakes that would then add to my ever building mountain of regrets.
As I started recognizing this very unhealthy pattern I began to pray daily that God (of my understanding) help me let go of the need to stay immersed in negative thinking.  I learned that I have the power to change the energy in myself and my environment from negative to positive.  Embracing the good until it sinks in and feels real.  By doing this in myself I can then reach out to others and uplift the good qualities in them as well.
Practice to make progression into Healthy and Beautiful Living!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The beautiful you!

Out on a walk one day I saw this! 

We are the only ones who can 

determine our happiness and it starts 

with taking good care of ourselves

instead of ridiculing and beating our

selves up. 

Thank you Good Vibrations!

A Good reminder.

The Magical Root Rhodiola Rosea!

Rhodiola Rosea!
I think of it as the magical root. 
I first heard of it while working for a natural cosmetic line.  It was the main ingredient in their anti-aging cremes and serums.  This caught my interest in learning more about this unknown plant.  I learned that it was first discovered by  western scientists soon after the cold war whom could up until then freely enter Siberia Russia. 
It was one of the few plants able to withstand the harsh climate at the altitude in which it was flourishing.  Since then many tests on the plant have been explored and upon finding out about it I began to dive further into my own experimentation.  

I was elated to hear soon after my introduction to the plant that you could ingest it and even purchase it at a local health food market.  I thought to myself that if this root was the main ingredient in a mainstream anti-aging product that surely it would be an excellent addition to my daily vitamin and mineral regimen.  Along with the ability to greatly improve the skin and protect cells from damage from free radicals I was quite impressed with it's other powerful effects on the body.  It is known to generate energy and increase mental performance and is even used in place of ADHD medications to sharpen focus.

Living in todays political, economical and fragile eco environments we are faced with so many extra stressors than just the day to day duties.  As a mother life is especially hectic as it would be for any caretaker.  I found that Rhodiola has an adaptogen to help the body adapt to and resist physical, chemical, and environmental stress.  It is also used for improving athletic performance, shortening recovery time after long workouts, and yes even improving sexual function.  I've had people ask me after explaining these effects if it had side effects like those of steroids since it promotes similar effects.  In my findings there are very few side effects or any at all which is the beauty of this magical root!

Now if all that wasn't enough to make you jump out of your seat and go get some, can you believe there is still more to this lovely plant?  In my own life my 20's were spent testing the limits as far as recreational substances go so naturally after finding that Rhodiola has MAO-A, MAO-B, antidepressant properties I was ecstatic!   After taking mind altering substances our brains chemistry changes and depression is an unfortunate reaction but fortunately taking any where from 380mg to over 600 a day can treat most moderate to mild cases.

If all the information I've shared with you is not impressive enough there is more!  Rhodiola is used to treat irregular heartbeat as well as high cholesterol.  In Chinese medicine it is used to treat cancer, tuberculosis, and diabetes.  It has been known to prevent cold/flu, liver damage and slow the aging process.  It  strengthens the nervous system and enhances immunity.  It's also used to improve hearing and stop tinnitus or ringing of the ears.  I started developing tinnitus after singing in a bands for over a decade and since my constant use of Rhodiola it has ceased.  

To me Rhodiola has truly been a magical root in many ways!  I hope all the information I've shared will give you more insight to alternative treatments for various conditions!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Double brewing tip!

Did you know you can double brew your loose tea?

This is a good way to make your tea last longer.  If it is a tea that has

caffeine, 90% of the caffeine comes out in the first brew leaving the

second brew packed full of extra antioxidants.  This is perfect for a

little afternoon treat very low in caffeine and high in nutrients.

Are you addicted to Mocha's?

Are You Addicted to Mocha's?   

Research suggests that the caffeine in your tasty pick me up has the ability to cause blood 

vessels to constrict blood flow and may play a role in other negative health effects. 

However, caffeine in coffee widens blood vessels in the lungs and brain which can 

help you breathe more easily and reduce headache pain respectively.  This extra 

increase in stress hormones, including adrenaline, can also temporarily increase your 

blood pressure do to the changes in your blood vessels.

One of the problems with consuming caffeine in coffee is the sensation of withdrawal. 

When your body fully uses caffeine, the effects caffeine had will reverse.  

For example, the blood vessels to your brain and lungs will constrict back to their normal

size and those to your stomach will dilate. This can cause you to feel fatigued, have 

a headache or experience stomach upset which I know happens to be instantaneous.

If this already bumming you out don't be down trodden because there is hope!  

After having bad experiences like the ones listed above I started experimenting

with healthy alternatives.  We all know that green tea is really good for us and full of 

antioxidants so I started drinking a version of it called oolong tea.  

Oolong tea is like the fine wines of tea.  It is partially fermented and it is used to 

sharpen thinking skills, improve mental alertness, prevent cancer, tooth decay, 

osteoporosis, and heart disease.  It is also known to treat obesity, diabetes, 

"hardening of the arteries",high cholesterol and skin allergies like eczema; and to 

boost the immune system.  I get usually get mine at a local asian market and of course

 you can always get it via the internet.  I suggest trying Formosa and Tung Ting Oolong 

first when making our alternative "Mocha".

Lets start by boiling water in a pan or tea pot. I put about one tablespoon of tea in a

single cup brewer and then slowly pour the water over the tea until the cup is almost full.

Let sit for 5 minutes.

While it's brewing I prepare my protein powder in a large tea/coffee cup.

I usually use Protein Synthesis 7 that I get at The Nutrition Shop but any other vanilla

flavored protein powder would work.  I then mix in a serving of my all time favorite

cocoa mix called Cocoa Well. 

 I get the unsweetened over the sweetened to cut back on my sugar intake at whole foods.

This particular mix is Organic and has 200mg of pure plant flavanol complex which greatly

boosts the antioxidant levels in your body.  It is also non GMO, soy and gluten free.

I then take the strainer out and make sure the water is not scalding hot because it will cook

the protein powder and make it clumpy.  I then slowly pour the tea into the powder mix

and you now have a tasty mocha like beverage that will surely give you

Ample energy for the day!!